Implant Restorations in Brookfield, wi

What Are Implant Restorations?

A dental implant restoration is the false tooth or teeth that attach to one or more dental implant “posts”, restoring your smile. The most common type of restoration is a crown, which consists of one false tooth that’s attached to one dental implant.

However, multiple implants can be used to replace multiple missing teeth with implant-supported bridges or implant-supported dentures. At Russo Dental, Dr. Nick Russo and our team work closely with you during the implant treatment process, and develop an implant restoration that restores the natural appearance and functionality of your smile.

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Did you know…

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You’ll need to keep seeing Dr. Russo for preventive care after you get your implants and restorations. This helps you keep your natural teeth and your dental implants healthy and strong.

In need of Implant Restorations?

Call  (262) 784-3740 today!

The Implant Restoration Treatment Process

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Healing & Fitting

As you heal from your dental implant surgery, you’ll come into Russo Dental for multiple follow-ups. Dr. Russo will take images and scans of your mouth, and use these to create your dental implant restoration, with the help of our partner dental lab. He’ll also check on your overall health and recovery, and make sure everything looks good.

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Creating Your Implant Restorations

Our dental lab will work to build an implant restoration, such as a dental crown, that looks and feels completely natural. Once your restoration is in place, it will be indistinguishable from a real tooth.

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Abutment placement

When your mouth has fully healed, you will usually need to have an abutment placed. This is another small piece of metal that attaches to your dental implant post, and connects it to your implant restoration. This is a short, simple procedure, and is usually done a few weeks before your final implant placement.

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Final Implant Restoration Placement

After your abutment has fully healed, you’ll be ready for your last appointment at Russo Dental. You’ll come into our office, and Dr. Russo will check the fit of your restoration. If everything looks good, he will attach it to your implant abutment permanently using powerful dental cement. Then, you can go home and enjoy your new smile.

The Benefits Of Implant Restorations

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Restore One or Many Teeth

Depending on how many teeth you’ve lost and how many implants you get, implant restorations can easily be used to restore one tooth, several teeth, or even a full mouth of missing teeth. You can always get the right treatment for your own unique situation.

Natural Look and Feel

Implant restorations are held in place permanently, and attach to a dental implant, which bonds to your natural jaw bone. This means they will never move or shift, and they will look natural to others and feel natural when you eat, speak, and smile.

Unbeatable Durability

Dental implant restorations are mostly made of a strong, tooth-like ceramic material, though they may require some metal components in some cases. Your new tooth will be extremely strong, and will be able to hold up to chewing and biting. You can feel confident about your new smile, and get peace of mind knowing that your new implant restoration is built to last.

Did you know…

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90% of dental implants last 30+ years, so you will likely be able to keep your dental implant for the rest of your life.

Interested in Implant Restorations?

Call  (262) 784-3740 now!

Have questions about Implant restorations? Find answers here.

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How Often Do I Need A New Implant Restoration?

The short answer is “when it wears out.” This is different for each patient. For example, if you eat lots of hard foods or grind your teeth, your dental implant restoration may not last as long. Still, though, most patients can expect to keep their implant restoration for at least 15-20 years with proper oral hygiene.

But it’s still important to take good care of your teeth, and come to Russo Dental for implant maintenance and an oral exam every six months. During your appointment, our Brookfield dentist can check on your oral health and make sure that your dental implant and implant restoration are both still in great shape.