When it comes to oral health, it's not just about how straight your teeth are or how bright your smile is. You can't forget about your gums! Even if you're cavity-free and have the pearliest chompers in town, that doesn't mean you're immune to gum disease. As it happens, most people don't even realize they have it because it's often painless in the early stages.
Understanding Gum Disease
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the soft tissue that holds your teeth in place. It's typically caused by poor brushing and flossing habits that allow plaque—a sticky film of bacteria—to build up on the teeth and harden. In advanced stages, it can lead to sore, bleeding gums, painful chewing problems, and even tooth loss.
There are three stages of gum disease: gingivitis (the earliest stage), periodontitis, and advanced periodontitis. Gingivitis is caused by the buildup of plaque at the gumline. This inflammation of the gums is reversible with good oral hygiene; however, if not treated, it can advance to periodontitis.
The Importance of Periodontal Care
Periodontal care is crucial in maintaining your overall oral health. Regular dental cleanings can remove plaque and tartar buildup, preventing gum disease. Besides, your dentist can detect early signs of gum problems, making treatment more effective.
Moreover, periodontal care can also help protect your teeth and any dental work you've had done. For instance, gum disease can weaken the structures that hold your teeth in place, making them loose or sensitive. If you've had crowns, bridges, or implants, gum disease can undermine these structures, leading to potential failure of the dental work.
Preventing Gum Disease
Preventing gum disease involves a combination of personal oral hygiene and regular dental visits. Brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help keep your mouth clean and free of plaque.
Regular dental visits are also essential. Your dentist can clean areas of your mouth that you can't reach with your toothbrush and floss. They can also monitor your oral health and catch early signs of gum disease before it becomes a serious problem.
Risks of Ignoring Gum Disease
Ignoring gum disease can lead to more serious health problems over time. Besides tooth loss, research has linked gum disease to health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and premature births or low birth weight.
Furthermore, treatment for advanced gum disease can be complex and costly. It might involve deep cleaning, medication, and, in severe cases, surgery. Therefore, it's much more beneficial—and less painful—to prevent gum disease from developing in the first place.
Periodontal Care in Brookfield, WI
Don't wait until it's too late. Prioritize your oral health today by scheduling a periodontal checkup. At Russo Dental in Brookfield, WI, we offer comprehensive periodontal care to help protect your teeth and gums. Remember, a healthy smile is not just about the teeth—it's also about the gums holding them in place. Reach out to us at (262) 784-3740 and request an appointment today!